Blowfish Studios

Games Programmer - August 2018 - April 2020

Storm Boy: The Game

Unity - PC, Switch, XBoxOne, PS4, Android, IOS

Game adaptation of the Colin Thiele’s Book to tie into the movie of this . First game I worked on that was ported to Switch, XboxOne and PS4. Lotta Addressable Asset debugging

War Tech Fighters

Unity - XboxOne, PS4, Switch

Third-Person Mech fighter. Was able to optimize, localize and port it to consoles. From which understood a lot more on Post Processing Stack and Addressables.

Infinite - Beyond the Mind

GameMaker - PC, XboxOne, PS4, Switch

Side Scrolling Brawler - First porting job using GameMaker. Ported to consoles and localized it into several languages.

Whipseey and The Lost Atlas

GameMaker - PC, XboxOne, PS4, Switch

Kirby inspired 2D platformer. Like the former, Ported to console and made localized it.

Minesweeper Genius

Unity - PS4, XBoxOne, Switch

Neat Puzzle Game! Was able to lead the porting job to translate the touch controls to controller input and localize it to several languages.


Unity - Android, IOS, WebGL

Ongoing project for Scholastic. Was put in charge on several minigames that were delivered by a seperate company, general gameplay and dialogue.


GameMaker - PC, XboxOne, PS4, Switch

2D Platformer - Setup the porting, localization and DLC for Consoles.

Easy Bill Pay

.Net C# - Android, IOS, Web

Application to help automate paying bills and sending out funds. On this for a short time but first step into Application Development


Playside Studios


Turbochilli Publishing