Turbochilli Publishing

Programmer - July 2016 - August 2018

Rolling Sky

Unity - IOS, Android

Arcade rhythm game - First studio project! Made 3 additional levels with new mechanics and some light modeling. Eventually was bought and reworked by a separate company.

Good Knight Story

Unity - IOS, Android

Action-Puzzle RPG for mobile. QA’d level progression, fixed bugs and eventually updated it for 64-bit IOS.

Stickman Surfer

Unity - IOS, Android

Infinite-Surfer Game. Was able to be part of the project through prototyping to release.

Ghosts ‘n Guns

Unity - IOS, Android

AR Arcade Shooter! First foray into making AR type games. Made to test out the IOS and Android AR functionality.


Unity - IOS, Android

Block Puzzle Game. Programed gameplay, designed and created levels and created additional mechanics from the original.

Up the Wall

Unity - IOS, Android

Perspective changing Arcade game. QA’d and programmed reward systems and analytics.

Stickman Franchise

Cocos-2D - IOS, Android

Ported and updated these games to wider 64-Bit IOS devices.


Blowfish Studios